Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Money fears vs. real benefits in Medicaid choice

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama thinks his health care law makes states an offer they can't refuse.

Whether to expand Medicaid, the federal-state program for the poor and disabled, could be the most important decision facing governors and legislatures this year. The repercussions go beyond their budgets, directly affecting the well-being of residents and the finances of critical hospitals.

Here's the offer:

If states expand their Medicaid programs to cover millions of low-income people now left out, the federal government will pick up the full cost for the first three years and 90 percent over the long haul.

About 21 million uninsured people, most of them adults, eventually would gain health coverage if all the states agree.

Adding up the Medicaid costs under the law, less than $100 billion in state spending could trigger nearly $1 trillion in federal dollars over a decade, according to the nonpartisan Urban Institute.

"It's the biggest expansion of Medicaid in a long time, and the biggest ever in terms of adults covered," said Mark McClellan, who ran Medicare and Medicaid when George W. Bush was president.

"Although the federal government is on the hook for most of the cost, Medicaid on the whole is one of the biggest items in state budgets and the fastest growing. So there are some understandable concerns about the financial implications and how implementation would work," McClellan said.

A major worry for states is that deficit-burdened Washington sooner or later will renege on the 90-percent deal. The regular Medicaid match rate averages closer to 50 percent. That would represent a significant cost shift to the states.

Many Republicans also are unwilling to keep expanding government programs, particularly one as complicated as Medicaid, which has a reputation for being inefficient and unwieldy.

Awaiting decisions are people such as Debra Walker of Houston, a part-time home health care provider. She had a good job with health insurance until she got laid off in 2007.

Walker was recently diagnosed with diabetes, and she's trying to manage by getting discounted medications through a county program for low-income uninsured people.

Walker estimates she earned about $10,000 last year, which means she would qualify under the income cutoff for the Medicaid expansion. But that could happen only if Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, reconsiders his opposition.

"I think that would be awesome if the governor would allow that program to come into the state," Walker said. "That would be a help for me, robbing Paul to pay Peter for my medicines."

She seems determined to deal with her diabetes problem. "I don't want to lose a limb later on in life," said Walker, 58. "I want to beat this. I don't want to carry this around forever."

As Obama's law was originally written, low-income people such as Walker would not have had to worry or wait. Roughly half the uninsured people gaining coverage under the law were expected to go into Medicaid. The middle-class uninsured would get taxpayer-subsidized private coverage in new insurance markets called exchanges.

But last year the Supreme Court gave states the right to opt out of the Medicaid expansion. The court upheld the rest of the law, including insurance exchanges and a mandate that virtually everyone in the United States have health coverage, or face a fine.

The health care law will go into full effect next Jan. 1, and states are scrambling to crunch the numbers and understand the Medicaid trade-offs.

States can refuse the expansion outright or indefinitely postpone a decision. But if states think they'll ultimately end up taking the deal, there's a big incentive to act now: The three years of full federal funding for newly eligible enrollees are only available from 2014 through 2016.

So far, 17 states and the District of Columbia have said they'll take it. That group includes three Republican-led states, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer was prominent among GOP leaders who had tried get the law overturned.

An additional 11 states, all led by Republicans, say they want no part of it. Perry says it tramples states' rights.

The remaining states are considering options.

In some cases, GOP governors are trying to persuade balky legislatures led by Republicans. Hospitals treating the uninsured are pressing for the expansion, as are advocates for the poor and some chambers of commerce, which see an economic multiplier from the infusion of federal dollars. Conservative foes of "Obamacare," defeated at the national level, want to hold the line.

The entire debate is overshadowed by some big misconceptions, including that the poor already have Medicaid.

Many of them do, but not all. Medicaid generally covers low-income disabled people, children, pregnant women and some parents. Childless adults are left out in most states.

The other misconception is that Medicaid is so skimpy that people are better off being uninsured.

Two recent studies debunked that.

One found a 6 percent drop in the adult death rate in states that already have expanded Medicaid along the lines of the federal health care law. A second looked at Oregonians who won a lottery for Medicaid and compared them with ones who weren't picked and remained uninsured. The Medicaid group had greater access to health care, less likelihood of being saddled with medical bills, and felt better about their overall health.

Skeptics remain unconvinced.

Louisiana's health secretary, Bruce D. Greenstein, is concerned that the Medicaid expansion could replace private insurance for many low-wage workers in his state, dragging down quality throughout the health care system because the program pays doctors and hospitals far less than private insurance. He says the Obama administration and Congress missed a chance to overhaul Medicaid and give states a bigger say in running the program.

"Decisions are made by fiat," he said. "There is not any sense of a federal-state partnership, what this program was founded on. I don't feel in any way that I am a partner." The Obama administration says it is doing its best to meet state demands for flexibility.

But one thing the administration has been unwilling to do is allow states to partly expand their Medicaid programs and still get the generous matching funds provided by the health care law.

That could have huge political implications for states refusing the expansion, and for people such as Walker, the diabetes patient from Houston.

These numbers explain why:

Under the new law people making up to 138 percent of the federal poverty line, about $15,400 for an individual, are eligible to be covered by Medicaid.

But for most people below the poverty line, about $11,200 for an individual, Medicaid would be the only option. They cannot get subsidized private coverage through the new health insurance exchanges.

So if a state turns down the Medicaid expansion, some of its low-income people still can qualify for government-subsidized health insurance through the exchanges. But the poorest cannot.

In Texas, somebody making a couple of thousand dollars more than Debra Walker still could get coverage. But Walker would be left depending on pay-as-you-go charity care.

"It's completely illogical that this has happened," said Edwin Park, a health policy expert with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, which advocates for low-income people.

Federal officials say their hands are tied, that Congress intended the generous federal matching rate solely for states undertaking the full expansion. States doing a partial expansion would have to shell out more of their own money.

"Some people are going to be between a rock and a hard spot," said Walker.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/money-fears-vs-real-benefits-medicaid-choice-153041942.html

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Spouses club relents, accepts lesbian Army wife

Courtesy Ashley Broadway

Ashley Broadway, left, is pictured with her wife, Lt. Col. Heather Mack and their 2-year-old son.

By Bill Briggs, NBC News contributor

Hours after same-sex Army wife Ashley Broadway was named Fort Bragg's 2013 ?spouse of the year,? the on-base spouses club???that has for two months rebuffed Broadway's bid to join?? fully reversed course and invited her "to become a full member," according to emails sent to NBC News and Broadway.

The decision comes one week after the Association of Bragg Officers' Spouses (ABOS) extended Broadway???who is married to Army Lt. Col. Heather Mack???a "special guest membership," an invitation she declined and called "extremely demeaning."

"After further reviewing the (club's) constitution, by-laws and internal procedures, the ABOS Board felt that in order to immediately support all military Officer spouses who are eligible for ABOS membership a more inclusive definition of spouse was needed. Therefore, any Spouse of an active duty commissioned or warrant Officer with a valid marriage certificate from any state or district in the United States is eligible for ABOS membership," the club's board said in a statement.

"ABOS does not discriminate based on race, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability, creed, or sexual orientation. ABOS would like to publicly invite Ms. Broadway to apply for full membership to ABOS. It is and always has been our mission to support all military families."

In an email to Broadway ? shared with NBC News???the club said, "We would like to offer you to become a full member of ABOS."

"I will go ahead and submit my application," Broadway said in response to the invitation. "I need to educate some of the naysayers that are in that group and show them my family is just like their family."

In the online election held Tuesday, Broadway captured the Fort Bragg vote ?by a country mile,? said Babette Maxwell, founder of Military Spouse magazine and the Military Spouse of the Year award. Ballot totals were not revealed.

As one of the 154 base-level winners, Broadway now is eligible to be nominated for Army ?spouse of the year.?

?A lot of people who voted never me met or talked to me or knew me from Adam. I know it was a statement to the Obama Administration, to Secretary (of Defense Leon) Panetta, to Senator (Chuck) Hagel ? if he is confirmed (as defense secretary) ? to the Pentagon and, really, to America that, yes, she is a military spouse and she needs to be recognized,? Broadway told NBC News.

?There are things the government can do right now to make life a hell of a lot easier than what it is currently for those who are in same-sex marriages in the military,? she added. ?It was a lot of people saying, ?Enough?s enough.? ?

Broadway?s rejection from the Fort Bragg officers? spouses club sparked the U.S. Marine Corps to issue on Jan. 9 a pro-gay, branch-wide directive. On Jan. 16, her bid drew the Pentagon?s attention. The next day, the?on-base spouses club offered Broadway a "special guest membership" ? an invitation she declined, calling it ?extremely demeaning.??

Broadway married Mack, her 15-year companion, in November ? their first chance to hold a formal ceremony after?the 2011 repeal of ?Don?t Ask Don?t Tell,??the policy that kept gays from openly serving in the military. The couple has a 2-year-old son and Mack gave birth to their second child, a daughter, on Tuesday.?

?People got one vote per email address ? one ballot for the person you wanted to represent you. I think people would be unwilling to, quote-unquote, throw their vote away on simply doing what was popular,? Maxwell said. ?There was a significant amount of meaning in what they were doing when they voted for Ashley.

?Removing her a bit from the press and recognition she?s received the last few months, Ashley???more importantly???has a platform to benefit a large number of spouses, and that?s what people want to see happen,? Maxwell added. ?The winners are chosen based on their merits, their accomplishments and what they intend to do for the community in the year to come.?

Broadway has volunteered to tutor soldiers? children in reading, briefed inbound Army families on local school districts, and helped transferring soldiers with housing-location decisions.

?When I was denied membership, I asked to speak to the club?s board. I was convinced that if they?d just sit down with me for half an hour, if I could talk to them about what I?ve been doing, what I?ll be doing in the future, they would see what an asset I would be to the group,? Broadway said.

The meeting was not granted.

?That was the most frustrating thing,? she said.

Before its decision late Friday to relent and offer Broadway full membership, the ABOS board had maintained Broadway was never rejected because ?a formal application was never filed,? and that she simply had inquired about the eligibility of a same-sex spouse and was told the club would need ?time to look at the issue.??

Online voting for the next round of the 2013 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year???the branch level???will take place Feb. 5. The overall winner, elected from the branch finalists, will be revealed May 9.

"I never thought in a million years I would be the one to advance the cause. If that?s what it?s going to take to get attention for all the military same-sex spouses, then so be it," Broadway said. "But I do take this (Bragg 'spouse of the year' award) very seriously. And we'll see where it goes from here."?

Related stories:

Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/01/24/16686603-rebuffed-by-fort-bragg-spouses-club-lesbian-army-wife-named-bases-spouse-of-the-year?lite

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Court says EPA overestimates biofuels production

(AP) ? A federal appeals court has ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency is overestimating the amount of fuel that can be produced from grasses, wood and other nonfood plants in an effort to promote a fledgling biofuels industry.

At issue is a 2007 renewable fuels law that requires a certain amount of those types of fuels, called cellulosic biofuels, to be mixed in with gasoline each year. Despite annual EPA projections that the industry would produce small amounts of the biofuels, none of that production materialized.

There have been high hopes in Washington that the cellulosic industry would take off as farmers, food manufacturers and others blamed the skyrocketing production of corn ethanol fuel for higher food prices. Those groups said the diversion of corn crops for fuel production raised prices for animal feed and eventually for consumers at the grocery store. Lawmakers hoped that nonfood sources like switchgrass or corn husks could be used instead, though the industry hadn't yet gotten off the ground.

The 2007 law mandated that billions of gallons of annual production of corn ethanol be mixed with gasoline, eventually transitioning those annual requirements to include more of the nonfood, cellulosic materials to produce the biofuels. As criticism of ethanol has increased, lawmakers and even Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama have talked of the cellulosic materials as the future of biofuels.

But the cellulosic industry stalled in the bad economy and still hasn't produced much. According to final EPA estimates, no cellulosic fuel was produced in 2010 or 2011. Last year's estimates aren't yet available.

"What you have in our industry is a technology that is ready to go but has had a hard time punching through commercially because of a very challenging global financial climate," said Brooke Coleman of the Advanced Ethanol Council, which represents companies trying to produce cellulosic fuel. Coleman said there are better hopes for 2013 as several plants are coming online.

The court faulted the EPA for setting last year's projections at 8.7 million gallons even though the two previous years had shown no production, and also for writing in the rule that "our intention is to balance such uncertainty with the objective of promoting growth in the industry."

Judge Stephen Williams on Friday threw out the too-high EPA estimates in response to a challenge filed by the American Petroleum Institute, which represents the oil industry.

Williams, an appointee of President Ronald Reagan, said the law was not intended to allow the EPA "let its aspirations for a self-fulfilling prophecy divert it from a neutral methodology."

The court rejected the oil industry's arguments that the EPA also should have lowered the total production requirement for renewable fuels once the cellulosic goals were not met, saying the EPA had authority to decide to maintain those requirements.

An EPA spokeswoman would only say the agency will "determine next steps." The oil industry praised the decision.

"The courts have reined in a mandate for biofuels that don't exist," said Bob Greco of the American Petroleum Institute. "It's a voice of reason."


Associated Press writer Matthew Daly in Washington and AP Energy Writer Jon Fahey in New York contributed to this report.


Follow Mary Clare Jalonick on Twitter at http://twitter.com/mcjalonick

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2013-01-25-EPA-Biofuels/id-82511fe646bf458dbffabf097e50704f

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'American Pie' singer fined for speeding in Maine

ROCKLAND, Maine (AP) ? "American Pie" singer Don McLean has been fined $400 for driving his Chrysler too fast through a Maine school zone.

McLean's lawyer says he was driving 43 mph in an area that has a limit of 15 mph when school zone warning lights are flashing and 45 mph when they're not. He argued that the lights were off, but police said in Rockland District Court on Thursday that they were on.

A judge lowered the fine from $515 to $400, and McLean immediately paid up.

McLean lives in nearby Camden, along Maine's coast. He burst into popularity in 1971 with his hit "American Pie," about the deaths of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper in a plane crash on Feb. 3, 1959 ? The Day the Music Died.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/american-pie-singer-fined-speeding-maine-222409830.html

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Insight: Smuggling, soccer and the mafia

ROSARNO, Italy (Reuters) - When police went after mafia boss Francesco "The Fat Head" Pesce in southern Italy, they ended up with more than they bargained for: his local soccer team, Rosarnese.

The semi-professional squad, controlled by the Pesce crime family for years, according to a clan member who turned state's witness in 2010, found itself placed under judicial control in 2011 and in need of new sponsors.

Though soccer is virtually a religion in Italy, no new backer came forward - for fear of angering the ?Ndrangheta, a powerful mafia network in Calabria, the region in the ?toe' of Italy. Last July, after a dismal season of 24 losses, five draws and just five wins, the Rosarnese team was dismantled.

The demise of the soccer club, which was a small part of 220 million euros in assets law officers seized from the Pesce clan, illustrates the growing influence of the ?Ndrangheta. The group's economic clout now surpasses that of its more storied Sicilian cousin, the Cosa Nostra, Italy's top anti-mafia magistrates say.

"Today the Calabrian mafia is a national and an international force. It pollutes the economy and is heavily compromising the political system," said Pierpaolo Romani, national coordinator of an association uniting city governments against the mafia and author of the 2012 book "Criminal Soccer" about the mob's interest in the sport. "With a football team, the ?Ndrangheta expands both its economic reach and its political standing in a community."

The ?Ndrangheta has grown rich thanks to a business strategy focused on cocaine. Just three miles from Rosarno is the huge container port of Gioia Tauro, where almost half of all the cocaine seized by police in Italy last year was found. The harbor, positioned half-way between the Strait of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal, is a key commercial hub and has become the ?Ndrangheta's main artery for South American cocaine and other contraband, which it hides in the flow of legal cargo.

The police have had some victories over the 'Ndrangheta and other mafia groups. Pesce, for instance, was convicted for racketeering and mafia conspiracy and is serving a 20-year sentence in a high-security prison. He denies any wrongdoing and is appealing the ruling.

Despite such gains, the sums involved in organized crime in Italy, which will vote in a new parliament next month, remain enormous. Taken together, Italy's main crime groups - the ?Ndrangheta, the Cosa Nostra, and the Camorra from the southern city of Naples - would have an annual turnover of 116 billion euros, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. That is more than the annual sales of Italy's biggest company, oil-giant Eni.


In a basement on the outskirts of Rome is a nerve-centre in the fight against smuggling: the anti-fraud unit of the national customs agency. There a team of 15 analysts - including computer experts, a mathematician, a statistician and an electrical engineer - occupies a room with 10 large flat screens showing live maps of the world's busiest shipping lanes. Investigators using sophisticated computer analysis and a vast database try to identify high-risk containers heading for Italy.

In particular, the unit monitors ships travelling to Gioia Tauro and passes its information to finance police in Calabria, who combine that data with intelligence gathered through more traditional investigative methods, such as bugged cars, wiretaps or stakeouts. But the odds of finding smuggled drugs in the giant port are stacked against the police.

At the dock more than 1,000 employees load and unload containers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, closing only on Christmas and New Year's day. At night, floodlights illuminate the 2-mile-long (3.2km) quay. Pinpointing a few duffle bags of cocaine - the typical shipping method in recent months - among the non-stop cargo shuffle is like trying to find a grain of black sand on a white beach.

The port authority declined to comment on drug smuggling. But investigators say the duffle bags packed with super-pure cocaine weigh about 40-45 kilos each and are light enough to be lifted by one man. They can be tossed into a container in a Central or South American port and removed quickly at Gioia Tauro before customs officials have a chance to intercept them. The containers are easily resealed to leave no trace.

"The containers are Trojan horses," said Claudio Petrozziello, commander of the province's finance police, as container carriers whizzed around the dock behind him.

Each duffle bag of cocaine is worth as much as 2.25 million euros wholesale, and about 9 million euros on the street. Mostly - the Interior Ministry estimates 90 percent of the time - the criminal clan's bag-man, and not the police, gets to the contraband first.

Nevertheless, finance police and customs authorities are having increasing success. In June 2012, finance police found 17 black Jansport bags containing foil-wrapped and vacuum-sealed bricks of South American cocaine. The haul was worth more than 38 million euros wholesale, and at least four times as much on the street. The police are still hunting the smugglers.

In total, the police seized in excess of two tons of cocaine at the port last year, more than double the amount of 2011, according to finance police data.

Daniele Testi, a spokesman for Contship, the container terminal logistics firm at the port, said: "What is happening in Gioia Tauro is what is happening in all the world's largest ports. Contship continues to believe that the police must do all they can to fight crime. What we are trying to do is make sure that the business runs smoothly, is successful, and continues to provide jobs."


The police have made inroads in other areas. In 2008 they planted a bug in a Rosarno laundromat and recorded a conversation between Domenico Oppedisano, a crime boss, and another mafia suspect. Oppedisano said there were 250 mobsters in the town of fewer than 15,000 people, according to a transcript of the conversation seen by Reuters.

Oppedisano, 82, was later arrested for being the boss of bosses of the ?Ndrangheta's estimated 150 clans and is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence for mafia membership - a crime in Italy. He denies wrongdoing and is appealing his conviction.

In an attempt to loosen the grip of the Calabrian mob, authorities in Rome dissolved Rosarno's city council in 2008 because it had been infiltrated by the ?Ndrangheta. When new mayoral elections were held two years later, Elisabetta Tripodi, who had previously worked as a secretary in city hall, won.

Explaining why she took on such a challenge, Tripodi told Reuters: "I did not want Rosarno to be known as a town of racists and mobsters". As well as being blighted by the mafia, the town's image had also been tarnished by violent clashes between African migrant workers and locals in January 2010.

Since then, Tripodi has taken an unprecedented stand against the ?Ndrangheta, going so far as to sue Francesco "Fat Head" Pesce, 35, in civil court for damages in the case involving the soccer team and other local businesses. The court awarded the city a 50-million-euro settlement, which is to be paid from a state fund of confiscated mafia cash.

In retaliation, the ?Ndrangheta vandalized city property, and Tripodi received a threatening letter.

"These threats convinced us that we were heading down the right path, because it meant that what we were doing was bothersome," Tripodi said.

She now lives under 24-hour police protection, and when she is in her office in town hall, she closes a steel door behind her.

"I've had bodyguards with me at all times for 14 months. Everything in my life has changed," she said, adding that her two sons, 12- and 16-years-old, hope that she serves only one term.

Tripodi gets help from anti-mafia magistrates such as Alessandra Cerreti, who confiscated the soccer team from the Pesce clan, and from the local finance police; but her bravery and altruism stand out.

"The ?Ndrangheta is an invasive presence in all segments of Calabria's social and political life," said Cerreti, who lives in the regional capital Reggio Calabria under 24-hour protection by armed bodyguards. "There is an army of professionals, businessmen, and even sometimes magistrates and members of law enforcement, who put themselves at the service of the ?Ndrangheta out of personal interest."


Combating those interests is an uphill battle, though Rosarno keeps trying. The failure to find new sponsors for the local soccer club hurt. The mafia regularly tries to blunt police victories, and often succeeds.

"It is in the ?Ndrangheta's interest to demonstrate that a seized asset wastes away in the hands of the state," said Cerreti. "We put into place a series of initiatives to keep it from happening, but the difficulty is that the ?Ndrangheta invests rivers of cash in the asset or company, while the state does not have the same resources."

Nevertheless, on the outskirts of town, the Pope John Paul II stadium now hosts a new amateur soccer team and is an after-school haven for young boys.

"For these kids in Rosarno, soccer is everything," said Agostino Orlando, sports director of the new club, as his young son clung to his leg. As he spoke, players in yellow jerseys and black shorts began arriving for a game against a nearby rival. "We're a new team. We've been reborn," said Orlando.

But the glowing lights of the port in the distance were a reminder that Rosarno, like Italy, still has a long fight ahead.

(Additional reporting by Antonio Denti, Roberto Mignucci and Alessandro Bianchi in Gioia Tauro; editing by Simon Robinson and Richard Woods)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/insight-smuggling-soccer-mafia-101403441--sow.html

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Exterminator charged with strangling Pa. doctor

PHILADELPHIA (AP) ? It had been shaping up to be a mundane sort of afternoon for Dr. Melissa Ketunuti. The promising pediatrician ran some errands, then returned to her downtown Philadelphia rowhouse to meet with an exterminator about a rodent problem.

But something went inexplicably, "terribly wrong," police said.

The exterminator ? a man with no significant criminal record ? got into an argument with the doctor, then strangled her, bound her body and set it ablaze in an apparent attempt to get rid of the evidence, police said Thursday in announcing his arrest.

Jason Smith, 36, was taken into custody Wednesday night at his home in Levittown, about 25 miles northeast of the city, said homicide unit Capt. James Clark.

Smith was charged with murder, arson, abuse of a corpse and risking a catastrophe in the slaying of Ketunuti, 35, on Monday afternoon. He had no prior criminal history other than "minor traffic offenses," Clark said.

"She needed an exterminator, she called a certain service, he was subcontracted out," Clark said. "They got into some type of argument. It went terribly wrong."

Smith "struck her while she was in the basement, knocked her down, strangled her to death and ultimately set her body on fire," Clark said. There were no signs of sexual assault and nothing was stolen from the home of the victim, whose body was bound with rope at her wrists and ankles and wrapped around her neck, police said.

Investigators said Smith, who lived with his longtime girlfriend and her young child, and Ketunuti, a second-year infectious-diseases fellow and researcher at the renowned Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, had never met before. Clark would not elaborate on the substance of the fatal argument.

"It's very tragic," he said. "You have a young physician who dedicated her life to helping people and to die in this tragic manner, it's very, very sad."

He said detectives watched hours of surveillance video from nearby businesses, one of which showed Smith entering Ketunuti's home with a work bag and dressed in a coat and gloves, then leaving without a coat less than an hour later. Other video showed the suspect getting into his truck after the slaying and driving past her home several times, Clark said.

"Detectives did an unbelievable job of finding every bit of footage that was in that area," Clark said.

Smith was in custody and unreachable for comment. It could not be immediately determined if he had an attorney. A phone number for Smith had a busy signal.

The self-employed exterminator lived in a quiet neighborhood where he was occasionally seen working on the house he shared with his girlfriend, or playing outside with her child. Neighbors said he kept to himself, and they never saw anything out of the ordinary at the home.

District Attorney Seth Williams commended homicide detectives who worked tirelessly to quickly solve the case and he expressed his condolences to those who knew the victim.

"I would first like to send my thoughts and prayers to the family, friends and neighbors of Melissa Ketunuti," he said. "I know their pain must be enormous and I hope that today's arrest will help ease some of that pain."

Ketunuti's parents are in the process of making arrangements to travel from their home in Thailand to Philadelphia, Clark said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/exterminator-charged-strangling-pa-doctor-072850672.html

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2013 Farmers Insurance Open leaderboard: Phil Mickelson ...

While Tiger raced out to an opening round 68, Phil Mickelson scuffled on the easier North Course on Thursday at Torrey Pines.

As expected, there were some low numbers posted at the Torrey Pines North Course on Thursday's opening round at the 2013 Farmers Insurance Open. The wind stayed down and as a result, there were plenty of players who posted rounds in the 60s.

Read more on Tiger's opening round at Torrey

Defending champion Brandt Snedeker set the pace, firing an opening round 65 to finish 7-under. Veteran K.J. Choi matched him with a 65 on the more challenging South Course. Snedeker took advantage of Kyle Stanley's collapse here last year, picking up a playoff win that propelled him to a breakout 2012 season. He's looked strong in two starts so far this season and was a heavy favorite coming into the week along with Tiger Woods and Bubba Watson. Bubba was supposed to play with Snedeker in the first two rounds, but he withdrew shortly before his tee time due to illness. Snedeker marched on, however, and jumped out to co-lead with Choi.

One player who did not capitalize on the conditions was Phil Mickelson, who shot an even-par 72 on a vulnerable North Course. Nearly every hole on that layout can be birdied, but Mickelson scuffled around what is a home game of sorts for him in La Jolla. Coming off a lackluster performance at the birdie fest in Palm Springs last week, Mickelson went far afield from golf in his post-tournament comments, ripping what he said were onerous tax levels in California. The comments immediately bubbled up into controversy, and some will say Phil was "distracted" this week because of it. Regardless of the off-the-course drama, Phil will need to get his game together on Friday at the tougher South Course or else he'll be going home early.

For a live leaderboard, visit Golf.com.

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Source: http://www.sbnation.com/golf/2013/1/24/3913250/farmers-insurance-open-2013-leaderboard-torrey-pines

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

With Apple, What A Difference A Week Makes

Screen Shot 2013-01-23 at 6.02.59 PMYou know the drill, Apple posts a record $54.5 billion in revenue... ...and the stock tanks 10 percent in after-hours trading. I mean. Fifty four and a half billion dollars. I went ahead and did the math: that?s an annual run-rate of $218 billion dollars (yes, I know Q1 is the holiday quarter, so it tends to be much larger than the others ? but don?t underestimate the possibility of a new iPhone earlier in the year pushing Apple towards the $200 billion mark). Apple generated more revenue in one quarter than Google did in all of 2012. Hell, Apple is getting close to generating as much revenue in one quarter as Microsoft does in an entire year.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/LxIfNdNS8DA/

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Magnetic 'Braids' May Cook the Sun's Corona

Other way around. Plasmas are unstable. Pretty much any time you dump energy into them, they get all whacked out on a small scale. This specific mode of instability on the sun wasn't expected, and it might even be a totally new instability mode, but speaking generally "plasmas behaving badly when you pump energy into them" has been a bug for fusion research for a very long time. You want the energy to be smoothly stable in the plasma not some whacked out thing because whacked out things tend to locally adsorb the energy from a big region, concentrate it in a little area getting hotter and hotter, which exceeds and breaks containment in its local area, end result is the plasma energy gets dumped into the diverter (or worst case, wall).

Crappy cooking analogy is when you're melting chocolate and the chocolate instead of being smooth thru the entire bowl suddenly phase transitions (more or less) and siezes into... whatever the hell siezed chocolate is. Crystallized chocolate I guess.. Whoops. Or you're trying to make a nice mayonnaise emulsion but something keeps breaking the F-ing emulsion so you just get icky oil and water instead of a bucket of mayo. Now I'm getting hungry...

Crappy/. car analogy is something like car engines produce the most energy when they burn real smoothly. Crazy ass detonations aka pinging ruins the smooth burning and although you get the same CO2 out the tailpipe, you get much less power at the crankshaft. You can fix that with water injection, or modify the compression ratio, cool the intake air, or clean the cylinder/head walls if they're coated with soot... all stuff you can't do in a reactor. More or less.

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotScience/~3/tj5Ock_VWyE/story01.htm

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Monday, January 21, 2013

HBT: A look at Musial by the numbers

Stan Musial?s name doesn?t dot the record books anywhere near as frequently as those of Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron and Barry Bonds. Still, for consistent greatness, perhaps no one matched Stan the Man, who passed away Saturday at age 92.

- Excluding his one-year absence due to military service in 1945, Musial, who spent his entire career with the Cardinals, hit .310 or better every year from 1942 to 1958. That?s age 21 to age 37. He qualified for the NL batting title all 16 of those seasons, finishing first seven times, second twice, third four times, fourth twice and fifth once. He also finished third in 1962 at age 41.

- In addition to his seven batting titles, he led the NL in OBP six times, in slugging six times and in OPS seven times.

- He led the league in runs scored five times, hits six times, doubles eight times, triples five times, RBI twice, walks once and games played five times.

- He did all this while never striking out more than 46 times in a season. He finished his career with 1,599 walks and just 696 strikeouts.

- Musial played in 24 All-Star Games (in 20 seasons), tying Willie Mays for the most of all-time.

- Even 50 years after his retirement, Musial ranks 2nd all-time in total bases (6,134), 4th all-time in hits (3.630), 30th in average (.331), 22nd in OBP (.417), 19th in slugging (.559), 13th in OPS (.976), ninth in runs (1,959), sixth in RBI (1,951) third in doubles (725), 19th in triples (177), 28th in homers (475) and 13th in walks.

- Advanced stats: Musial ranks 12th all-time in Baseball-Reference?s WAR, ninth among position players. He?s third in runs created (2,562) and his OPS+ of 159 ranks 15th.

- Only Barry Bonds, with seven MVPs, has been more successful in the MVP balloting. Musial is one of eight players with three MVPs, and he has four second-place finishes to go along with them.

- Musial wasn?t particularly productive in the World Series, but his Cardinals teams won three of the four in which he played. He hit .256/.347/.395 with one homers and eight RBI in his 23 postseason games.

Musial ended up playing 21 full seasons, plus his 12 games as a 20-year-old in 1941. Never once did he finished with an OPS+ under 100. He ranked among the NL?s best hitters at both 21 and 41. He hit .300 18 times. Only Aaron, with 15, had more seasons with 300 total bases than Musial?s 13. Only Bonds, Ruth and Ted Williams, with 18 each, had more seasons with .900 OPSs than Musial?s 17.

Musial may have missed some milestones in finishing with 475 homers and 1,951 RBI, but his status as one of baseball?s very best hitters is cemented. The awesome nickname probably doesn?t hurt.

Source: http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/01/19/stan-musials-greatness-undiminished-by-time/related/

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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Syria troops, rebels fight near bases in northeast

This photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows damage after a rocket slammed into a building, killing at least 12 people, in Aleppo, Syria, Friday, Jan. 18, 2013. In a spike in civil war violence that Syrian state media blamed on rebel fighters a rocket attack in the northern city of Aleppo occurred during a particularly bloody week nearly two years after an uprising began against Assad's regime. (AP Photo/SANA)

This photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows damage after a rocket slammed into a building, killing at least 12 people, in Aleppo, Syria, Friday, Jan. 18, 2013. In a spike in civil war violence that Syrian state media blamed on rebel fighters a rocket attack in the northern city of Aleppo occurred during a particularly bloody week nearly two years after an uprising began against Assad's regime. (AP Photo/SANA)

This photo released by the Syrian official news agency, SANA, shows rescue workers and bystanders at a building damaged by a rocket attack, that killed at least 12 people, in Aleppo, Syria, Friday, Jan. 18, 2013. In a spike in civil war violence that Syrian state media blamed on rebel fighters a rocket attack in the northern city of Aleppo occurred during a particularly bloody week nearly two years after an uprising began against Assad's regime. (AP Photo/SANA)

(AP) ? Syrian troops fought intense battles on Saturday against rebels who are trying to capture two military bases in the northwest and step up their attacks on army compounds elsewhere in the nation torn by civil war, activists said.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and the Local Coordination Committees said the rebels destroyed at least one tank near the town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province. The rebels, who have been battling for weeks to take control of bases in Wadi Deif and Hamdiyeh, are working to cut off supply routes to the compounds, the Observatory said.

Attacks on government bases are a recent focus of fighting in Syria's conflict, which according to the U.N. has killed more than 60,000 people since March 2011.

Last week, rebels captured the nearby air base of Taftanaz, dealing a significant blow to President Bashar Assad's forces, which have relied on its airpower in its fight against the opposition.

The rebels also have been trying to capture other air bases in the northern province of Aleppo, and according to activists, were attacking the air base of Mannagh near the Turkish border.

In Turkey, state-run Anadolu news agency said Syria's air force targeted a mosque and a school building that apparently was sheltering displaced Syrians in the town of Salqin, some four miles (six kilometers) from the border with Turkey in Idlib province. Dozens of people were killed and wounded.

At least 30 people wounded in the attack were taken across the border to Turkey for treatment, and two of died in Turkish hospitals, the news agency said.

The displaced Syrians were eating when the school was attacked, according to Anadolu, who interviewed witnesses who has crossed into the Turkish border province of Hatay. The wounded included women and children, the agency said.

Rami Abdul-Rahman, who heads the Observatory, said the government was sending reinforcements to the central city of Homs where rebels have controlled some neighborhoods for more than a year. Residents of Homs, Syria's third largest city, were one of the first to rise up against Assad and many refer to it as "the capital of the revolution."

"It seems they are preparing for a big attack on Homs," Abdul-Rahman said by telephone.

The Observatory and the LCC said troops attacked several suburbs of the capital, Damascus, as well as Homs and the southern rebel-held town of Busra al-Harir. The shelling and air raids targeted the Damascus suburbs of Douma, Daraya and Moadamiyeh where regime forces have been on the offensive for weeks, they said.

Syrian state-run TV said government forces attacked a group a rebels as they met in the town of Boukamal near the Iraqi border, killing some of them.

The U.N. children's agency, UNICEF, condemned the violence that killed civilian, including children, this week in the central village of Haswiyeh, the northern city of Aleppo and near Damascus.

Around 200 civilians were killed this week in government-controlled areas. Most of them died in a strike on a university in Aleppo and in a mass killing in the central town of Haswiyeh. Opposition activists say a pro-government militia torched houses and killed more than 100 people in Haswiyeh.

"UNICEF condemns these latest incidents in the strongest terms, and once again calls on all parties to ensure civilians - and children especially - are spared the effects of the conflict," the organization said in a statement.


Associated Press writer Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey, contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2013-01-19-Syria/id-dd4b93d0692f42c9b17d0255e901d096

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Sony and Kevin Butler Actor Settle Suit out of Court

by Joey Davidson | January 17, 2013

A few months back, Jerry Lambert, the actor who plays Sony?s VP of everything named Kevin Butler, appeared in a Bridgestone commercial. In that commercial he was egging on a fellow scientist in the enjoyment of a Nintendo Wii.

That appearance, in the corporate eyes of Sony, went against the character of Kevin Butler and caused an amount of damage to the PlayStation brand. They sued Butler and Bridgestone in response.

Now, the news is out that Lambert and Sony have settled out of court. The rules of the settlement dictate that Lambert can?t appear in any gaming ads for two years, and that he must get permission from Sony to appear in any ads in the future.

Lambert probably didn?t realize Sony would be taking away a whole potential sector of work when they turned him into Kevin butler.

The bad news? Us gamers and fans won?t be able to see Kevin Butler in his typically awesome capacities until 2015.

Join the discussion

Source: http://www.technobuffalo.com/2013/01/17/sony-and-kevin-butler-actor-settle-suit-out-of-court/

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One of the most popular activities that take place on the internet is the use of email, which 92 percent of online adult users do every day. The Pew Internet and American Life Project came up with this statistic showing email use being second only to search. Therefore, it shouldn?t be a surprise that Rochester web development companies focus on providing email hosting along with other important marketing services used for generating success on the web. Identifying quality email hosting services is achieved by understanding what elements should be involved. For example, quality email hosting should involve the tools needed to filter spam and viruses.

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During Bill Clinton?s presidency, Bill Clinton sent two emails. One email was considered a test email while the other email was sent to John Glenn, who was aboard the space shuttle at that time. Today, email is an important element for communications and advertisements. People should do their research on Rochester web development companies because not all of them offer quality email hosting programs. Your particular need for email hosting will dictate what type of plan to choose. Some plans are designed to handle a significant amount of email and accounts, while other plans are used for smaller business owners that need only a bare minimum of services.

Source: http://www.blogslinger.com/2013/01/rochester-web-development/

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Whoa, This Floor-by-Floor Demolition of a Skyscraper Is Amazingly Peaceful

When buildings grow past their prime, they usually reach their demolition fate—a cobbled, dusty mess—through dynamite explosion. It's a crashing spectacle of destruction. Loud, angry and ruthless. But maybe it doesn't have to be like that. Maybe it can be subtle, quite and peaceful. Maybe it can be a strategic floor-by-floor demoltion like the skyscraper in the video above. More »

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No end to the foreclosures? Does it matter? | New Jersey Real ...

From the Philly Inquirer:

Foreclosure filings fell nationally in 2012, but not locally, research shows

Foreclosure filings fell 3 percent nationally in 2012 from 2011?s levels and were 36 percent below their 2010 peak, RealtyTrac reported Thursday.

Filings did increase in New Jersey (up 55 percent) and Pennsylvania (up 28 percent) last year, the Irvine, Calif.-based real-estate information firm said, but were still below the levels of 2010, considered a record year for foreclosures nationwide.

States experiencing hefty increases in 2012, including New Jersey and Pennsylvania, were those in which the courts handle foreclosures, said RealtyTrac vice president Daren Blomquist.

?We expect to see continued increases in judicial-foreclosure states near the beginning of the year as lenders finish catching up with the backlogs in those states,? Blomquist said. There will be another set of increases in some non-judicial states near the end of the year, he added, as ?lenders adjust to the new laws and process some deferred foreclosures in those states.?

Yet the additional foreclosures are unlikely to be the torrent many housing observers had predicted.

?There are more distressed [sales] to come, but I doubt it will result in more price declines,? said Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody?s Analytics in West Chester.

Investor demand for such properties is verging on voracious, he said. Demand for nondistressed properties also continues to strengthen.

?There may be a lull in house-price gains early this year, but it will be temporary and modest,? Zandi said Wednesday.

Source: http://njrereport.com/index.php/2013/01/17/no-end-to-the-foreclosures-does-it-matter/

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First Presbyterian Church: Two churches in 140 years

Special to the Courier

The First Presbyterian Church of Winfield will celebrate its 140th birthday on Jan. 19, 2013.

During 2013, the church will mark the occasion with a variety of events. The congregation will also honor seven members with 40 or more years service as a ruling elder, five members with 40 or more years of service as a deacon, two people with over 70 years of membership, 14 people with over 60 years of membership and 23 people with over 50 years of membership.

Please join the Rev. Angela Madden and the church family in celebration of worship on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. following Sunday school classes at 9. Celebrations of fellowship precede Sunday school class time and follow Sunday worship services. Everyone is also invited to join the church?s Peter?s Promise community meal offered on Wednesday evening from 5 to 6.

History of the church

The church had its beginning in the late fall of 1872. In November of that year, the Rev. A.R. Naylor arrived in Winfield, having been sent here to the young settlement by the superintendent of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church in Kansas. He arrived in Winfield on Saturday only to find that there was no suitable place for holding services.

There was only one building in the town big enough to hold religious services, and that was occupied by the saloon. He went to the saloon keeper and told him what he had come to town for. The saloon keeper at once offered him the use of the bar room for the Sunday services.

Later services were held in a wagon maker?s shop, a sod school house and the courthouse. Rev. Naylor conducted regular services and formally organized the church on Jan. 19, 1873, with 35 charter members. The next week a board of trustees was elected, and a building committee was appointed.

James Platter came to Winfield in June 1873 at the age of 26 to be pastor. He began the building of the church during the grasshopper year of 1874, and before completing it, he and his mother had furnished a very large part of the cost of the building, erected at the northeast corner of 10th and Millington. The lots and foundation cost $700 and the estimated cost of the building was $4,000. The church was to be 42 feet wide and 62 feet long. The Methodists and Presbyterians began work on their churches about the same time and raced to see which congregation could complete its structure first. A storm destroyed the cupola on the Methodist church, making it necessary to replaster the auditorium, and the Presbyterians won.

In 1898, a major remodeling project took place. Between 1907 and 1908, the church approved plans for a new building at 11th and Millington due to the growing congregation. Membership was 510 with 460 enrolled in Sunday school.

A cornerstone of the new building was laid on July 14, 1912, and included: A church building program; program of Winfield Chautauqua Assembly for 1912; a copy of the Winfield Daily Courier; a copy of the Daily Free Press; and a roll of church officers and church membership including members of the building committee.

The stained glass windows in the sanctuary are a beautiful addition.

On the Sunday they moved to the new church building, the Sunday school classes met in the old church and marched by classes to the new building.

The congregation has supported three missionaries from the congregation: Miss Mary E. Cogdel, teacher from 1890 to 1932 in Shanghai, China, and Everett and Lucy Murray, doctor and teacher from 1920 to 1957 in Weihsien, China, and in 1942 they worked in a hospital in Ambala, Punjab, North India. In 1920 the church also supported Janet Hodson to missions in India. The children of the primary Sunday school class also supported Hodson by collecting buffalo nickels each Sunday, enabling her to buy a water buffalo for her school. Today the church has a college scholarship fund named for Ms. Hodson.

In 1923, the 50th anniversary of the congregation was celebrated with a week of service, and the next year the mortgage papers of all indebtedness were burned.

Laying the cornerstone for the new Christian education building was part of the morning service on May 21, 1953.

An extensive remodeling of the front of the sanctuary took place in 1952, as a new Moller four-manual organ and chimes were given to the church. The sanctuary interior was again remodeled in 1972.

The church has accepted responsibility for taking under their care five adults who have entered the ministry.

In 1947, members of the Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church northwest of Winfield merged with First Presbyterian Church of Winfield. The Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church north of Winfield merged with first church April 14, 1971.

Choirs for all ages, orchestras, bells, camps, conferences, mission tours, mission work trips, meals for the community, helping with the Habitat homes and crop walks are just a few of the activates for young and old.

The congregation has been blessed with 25 ministers during these 140 years and welcomed with opened arms the Rev. Angela Dionne Madden who came in September of this past year.

For more information on the church events and services, please stop by the church office at 1101 Millington or call 221-4500.

The following are comments from the readers. In no way do they represent the view of winfieldcourier.com.

We encourage your feedback and dialog, all comments will be reviewed by our Web staff before appearing on the Web site.

Source: http://www.winfieldcourier.com/articles/2013/01/17/people/people/doc50f776282635b585502226.txt

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Forex trading Recommendations And Tricks For The Critical Trader ...

Depending upon the economic conditions at play, it can be extremely difficult to create an effective business plan. You will have to work very hard to start a home business from the ground up. Forex is an already existing market. Many are taking advantage of its platform to make money in currency trading. See what you can do to profit below.

There are a number of advantages to trading on the Forex market. Trades can be made at any time of day. You don?t need much money to invest in Forex. Forex trading can be done by almost anyone and at just about any time of the day.

Probably the best tip that can be given to a forex trader is to never quit. Every trader will run into some bad luck at times. Great traders have something that the rest don?t: dedication. Sometimes it is hard to see around corners, but even the darkest of situations can turn around.

Develop a realistic idea of how the market operates. The foreign exchange market is a zero sum game. This means that for every winner, there is a loser, and everyone loses once in a while. Most traders quit the market before they even make a profit. If you can take losses in stridge, then you can progress to the point of profiting.

Use your reason to trade, not your emotions. You can get yourself into deep financial trouble if you allow panic, greed, and other emotions rule your trading style. Granted, emotions do have a tiny bit to do with everything in life, and trading is no exception. Just don?t let them take center stage and make you forget what you are trying to accomplish in the long run.

Goal setting is important to keep you moving ahead. It can be wise to put a goal in place and a deadline for achieving it at the start of your forex career. Leave some wiggle room when you are new at Forex trading. Know the time you need for trading do your homework.

Most people think that they can see stop losses in a market and the currency value will fall below these markers before it goes back up. This is not true, and it is inadvisable to trade without stop loss markers.

Using margins properly can help you to hold onto more of your profits. Margin can potentially make your profits soar. But you have to use it properly, otherwise your losses could amount to far more than you ever would have gained. Margin should be used when your accounts are secure and there is overall little risk of a shortfall.

You can learn a lot about Forex trading online. Your best bet is to do your research before you start trading. If you do not understand the information that?s out there, try joining a forum where you can interact with more experienced traders and have your questions answered.

Remember that the forex market has no central location. As a result, the forex market cannot be completely ruined by a natural disaster. If a natural piaster does occur, you will not have to panic sell all of your assets at bargain prices. Global events affect the market, but might not necessarily affect the currency pair that you trade.

Unlike traditional stock market trades, Forex involves global trading. You?ll be dealing with trades from all over the world. If you heed the advice presented above, and proceed with caution and good judgement, you may find yourself earning a notable amount of money through savvy forex trading.

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Source: http://thefinancenewstoday.com/2013/01/17/forex-trading-recommendations-and-tricks-for-the-critical-trader/

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New study reveals gas that triggers ozone destruction

Monday, January 14, 2013

Scientists at the Universities of York and Leeds have made a significant discovery about the cause of the destruction of ozone over oceans.

They have established that the majority of ozone-depleting iodine oxide observed over the remote ocean comes from a previously unknown marine source. The research team found that the principal source of iodine oxide can be explained by emissions of hypoiodous acid (HOI) ? a gas not yet considered as being released from the ocean ? along with a contribution from molecular iodine (I2).

Since the 1970s when methyl iodide (CH3I) was discovered as ubiquitous in the ocean, the presence of iodine in the atmosphere has been understood to arise mainly from emissions of organic compounds from phytoplankton -- microscopic marine plants.

This new research, which is published in Nature Geoscience, builds on an earlier study which showed that reactive iodine, along with bromine, in the atmosphere is responsible for the destruction of vast amounts of ozone ? around 50 per cent more than predicted by the world's most advanced climate models ? in the lower atmosphere over the tropical Atlantic Ocean.

The scientists quantified gaseous emissions of inorganic iodine following the reaction of iodide with ozone in a series of laboratory experiments. They showed that the reaction of iodide with ozone leads to the formation of both molecular iodine and hypoiodous acid. Using laboratory models, they show that the reaction of ozone with iodide on the sea surface could account for around 75 per cent of observed iodine oxide levels over the tropical Atlantic Ocean.

Professor Lucy Carpenter, of the Department of Chemistry at York, said: "Our laboratory and modelling studies show that these gases are produced from the reaction of atmospheric ozone with iodide on the sea surface interfacial layer, at a rate which is highly significant for the chemistry of the marine atmosphere.

"Our research reveals an important negative feedback for ozone ? a sort of self-destruct mechanism. The more ozone there is, the more gaseous halogens are created which destroy it. The research also has implications for the way that radionucleides of iodine in seawater, released into the ocean mainly from nuclear reprocessing facilities, can be re-emitted into the atmosphere."

Professor John Plane, from the University of Leeds' School of Chemistry, said: "This mechanism of iodine release into the atmosphere appears to be particularly important over tropical oceans, where measurements show that there is more iodide in seawater available to react with ozone. The rate of the process also appears to be faster in warmer water. The negative feedback for ozone should therefore be particularly important for removing ozone in the outflows of pollution from major cities in the coastal tropics."


University of York: http://www.york.ac.uk

Thanks to University of York for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 56 time(s).

Source: http://www.labspaces.net/126264/New_study_reveals_gas_that_triggers_ozone_destruction

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Destino--The Corvette-Powered Fisker Karma: Detroit Auto Show

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VL-Automotive Destino

If you've always felt the 20 mpg Fisker Karma is a little bit too green, a new sport sedan based on the Fisker Karma might be just the car you're looking for.

The VL Automotive Destino is essentially Henrik Fisker's range-extended electric car, with all the expensive drivetrain components removed and replaced with Chevrolet's LS9 V-8 engine. That's the same supercharged unit you'll find in the Corvette ZR1 supercar.

If you think that sounds strange, then it gets better--one of the men behind the Destino is none other than "father of the Volt" and Via Motors figurehead, Bob Lutz.

Proving Lutz still has gasoline coursing through his veins, despite pushing for greener vehicles like the Volt and the Via electric trucks, the Destino is designed "to provide true motoring enthusiasts with an exquisite work of automotive art that performs at a world-class level.? Attention to detail is a paramount concern, as is reliability and ease of maintenance."

With Fisker's recent problems, including cooling issues leading to fires (the recall for which indirectly led to even greater damage...), perhaps there's method behind the apparent madness of swapping the range-extended Karma powertrain with a simpler, tried-and-tested engine like the LS9.

Fisker Karma: Range-extended electric car ultimate guide

Destinos will come with either a six-speed manual or automatic transmission. Lutz says the car is "an American designed, engineered and manufactured four-door performance car that rivals such models as the Porche Panamera and Aston-Martin-Lagonda Rapide."

On the outside, the Destino differs little from the Karma on which it's based--though the front facia takes on a more subtle appearance, losing Fisker's distinctive mustache grille. Arguably, it's all the more attractive without it.

The Destino is a collaborative project between Lutz and industrialist Gilbert Villereal, and made its debut today at the 2013 Detroit Auto Show. It will be built in Auburn Hills, Michigan--not far from where Lutz's former colleague at GM and now Fisker CEO, Tony Posawatz, is setting up a Fisker technology center.

We asked Fisker for a comment on the modified Karma, and this is what Senior Director of Global Communications and PR, Roger Ormisher, told us:

"Fisker believes that it speaks to the appeal of the Karma and its stunning, award-winning design that coachbuilders are wanting to take our cars and modify and customize them. We join many famous brands in automotive history that have been the subject of customization and modification."

He added that the project isn't a joint partnership nor a strategic alliance, though VL Automotive has ordered 20 Karmas, less their powertrains and lithium batteries, for conversion.

The Destino is scheduled for retail sales in the second half of 2013--and is available on a first come, first served basis.

Want to catch up with the latest news and launches? Head over to our Detroit Auto Show page.


Follow GreenCarReports on Facebook and Twitter.

Source: http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1081660_destino--the-corvette-powered-fisker-karma-detroit-auto-show

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Friday, January 11, 2013

DC Mayor Calls Washington Redskins Moniker ?Racist?

Credit: Doug Pensinger /Allsport

Credit: Doug Pensinger /Allsport

WASHINGTON (WJZ)? There is new controversy involving the Washington Redskins. But this time it has nothing to do with their injured quarterback, RG3.

TMZ is reporting that Washington, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray called the football team?s name racist.

The mayor?s office also reached out to D.C.?s WUSA, saying if the team returns to the district, the name may have to change.

Source: http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2013/01/10/dc-mayor-calls-washington-redskins-moniker-racist/

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1. does it possible to have a mission planer on android phone and use 3drradio???

There are many current android phones that support USB host mode. How difficult would it be to replace the Bluetooth serial connection with a USB serial connection such as the one described here? http://android.serverbox.ch/?p=549202

I haven't looked at the source code myself, yet, but it seems that it could be done quite easily since it is just replacing one interface with another. I correct in assuming that this will allow me to correct the 3DR radio directly to my cellphone without the need for any additional hardware in between? If so, this will allow me both to use the Copter-GCS app as well as with using my cellphone with its inbuilt GPS for "follow-me".

What do you think?

Source: http://diydrones.com/xn/detail/705844%3ATopic%3A1071353

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Judge Rules Samsung Will Have To Reveal Device Sales Data In Ongoing Apple Case

apple-samsungThis week U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh ruled that Samsung will indeed have to reveal specific device sales numbers for a variety of its gadgets, denying the Korean company's request to keep that information secret. Samsung has to pony up the information after Apple made a follow-up request to its $1.05 billion award from a jury August 24 regarding damages resulting from the sale of Galaxy devices after a request to have them banned in the U.S. was denied.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/AVeigr7H6Ak/

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Texas judge OKs ban on Planned Parenthood funding

(AP) ? Texas can cut off funding to Planned Parenthood's family planning programs for poor women, a state judge ruled Monday, requiring thousands to find new state-approved doctors for their annual exams, cancer screenings and birth control.

Judge Gary Harger said that Texas may exclude otherwise qualified doctors and clinics from receiving state funding if they advocate for abortion rights.

Texas has long banned the use of state funds for abortion, but had continued to reimburse Planned Parenthood clinics for providing basic health care to poor women through the state's Women's Health Program. The program provides preventive care to 110,000 poor women a year, and Planned Parenthood clinics were treating 48,000 of them.

Planned Parenthood's lawsuit to stop the rule will still go forward, but the judge decided Monday that the ban may go into effect for now. In seeking a temporary restraining order, Planned Parenthood wanted its patients to be able to see their current doctors until a final decision was made.

"We are pleased the court rejected Planned Parenthood's latest attempt to skirt state law," attorney general spokeswoman Lauren Bean said. "The Texas Attorney General's office will continue to defend the Texas Legislature's decision to prohibit abortion providers and their affiliates from receiving taxpayer dollars through the Women's Health Program."

Ken Lambrecht, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, said he brought the lawsuit on behalf of poor women who depend on its clinics.

"It is shocking that once again Texas officials are letting politics jeopardize health care access for women," Lambrecht said. "Our doors remain open today and always to Texas women in need. We only wish Texas politicians shared this commitment to Texas women, their health, and their well-being."

Planned Parenthood has brought three lawsuits over Texas' so-called "affiliate rule," claiming it violates the constitutional rights of doctors and patients while also contradicting existing state law.

Republican lawmakers who passed the affiliate rule last year have argued that Texas is an anti-abortion state, and therefore should cut off funds to groups that support abortion rights. Gov. Rick Perry, who vehemently opposes abortion, has pledged to do everything legally possible to shut down Planned Parenthood in Texas and welcomed the court's ruling.

"Today's ruling finally clears the way for thousands of low-income Texas women to access much-needed care, while at the same time respecting the values and laws of our state," Perry said. "I applaud all those who stand ready to help these women live healthy lives without sending taxpayer money to abortion providers and their affiliates."

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission has spent the last nine months preparing to implement the affiliate rule. But federal officials warned it violated the Social Security Act and cut off federal funds for the Women's Health Program, prompting the commission to start a new program using only state money.

State officials have also scrambled to sign up new doctors and clinics to replace Planned Parenthood. Women who previously went to Planned Parenthood clinics will now have to use the agency's web site to find a new state-approved doctor. HHSC officials acknowledged Monday they are unsure whether the new doctors can pick up Planned Parenthood's caseload in all parts of the state.

Any capacity issues will become clear in the next few weeks as women try to make appointments with new clinics and doctors, with problems anticipated in South Texas and other impoverished areas. Texas already suffers from a shortage of primary care physicians willing to take on new patients who rely on state-funded health care.

Linda Edwards Gockel, a spokesman for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, said Monday that the new state program will launch as planned on Tuesday.

"We have more than 3,500 doctors, clinics and other providers in the program and will be able to continue to provide women with family planning services while fully complying with state law," she said. "We welcome Planned Parenthood's help in referring patients to providers in the new program."

Democratic lawmakers continued to question whether women will have to wait longer for appointments and services.

"I vehemently disagree with the state's efforts to blacklist a qualified provider and, thereby, interfere with a woman's right to choose her own provider," said state Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin. "I will be submitting a letter to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, requesting a list of approved providers to gauge the outreach of the new program, and ensure that all qualified women throughout the state have access to its services."

Another hearing is scheduled with a different judge for Jan. 11, where Planned Parenthood will again ask for an injunction to receive state funding.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/bbd825583c8542898e6fa7d440b9febc/Article_2012-12-31-Texas-Women's%20Health%20Program/id-0b1793aca9284b7e9cb3740c9b17da1d

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