Thousands of students flocked to the Faculty on Open Day where academic, professional and volunteer staff addressed queries on studying at Australia?s number one university.

A passion to learn more was evident in The Spot on Open Day
From 10am prospective students made their way to The Spot and over the course of the day what was evident was that there was a huge interest in in studying the BCom. Lectures halls overflowed as academics gave BCom information and discipline specific information sessions. Passionate and friendly staff from the various departments sought to answer a wide variety of queries from banking to scholarships to the student experience.? Staff from the Commerce Student Centre tirelessly answered questions about? the BCom while on level one the GSBE crew were keep continuously busy as students sought answers on graduate and executive education.
A superb atmosphere was a dominant feature of the day and the recent announcement that the University was once again confirmed at the leading University in Australiaand the Faculty was the leading Business & Economics School in the country assisted in the buoyant mood.

Overflowing lecture halls was a feature of the introduction to economics information session
In total 60,000 people visited the University on Open Day and the welcoming atmosphere was also striking on the main campus. The sound stage on South Lawn proved popular as student musicians from the Faculty of the VCA and MCM entertained guests. At Southbank, open mic and jam sessions engaged the audience while visitors also sat in on dance, drama and music theatre classes.

A new feature at the Faculty was the cool use of a photo booth that proved very popular
An innovative feature of this year?s Open Day was the use of an online planner to help visitors extract the most from their Open Day experience. Before the event, prospective visitors drafted a personal itinerary on the Open Day 2012 website. Thousands of personal itineraries were created in this way, with tens of thousands of individual information sessions added by visitors.
While Open Day is over for this year its impact around the Faculty is still evident as staff reminisce on a re invigorating day in the academic calendar when we loudly and warmly welcome those interested in further study at this remarkable University.

The Clubs & Socs were out in force to show their strength

Even the King made an appearance on Open Day
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