Friday, December 7, 2012

Tyler Hike's Recording One

My Life is a Living Hell

I can?t die.
There I said. Now are you happy?
Well. If you?re going to stop reading this you might as well do it now.
You still there?
You are aren?t you?
Well fine. I?ll tell you what happened to me. How I got into this cell where they recorded what I told them.
First of all I ain?t a freak. I ain?t one of them vampires who can?t die. I ain?t an Immortal. I?m? was a pure blood human like you, sixteen years old though technically I'm nineteen now, green eyes and jet black hair, promising life, 6 foot 1 inch tall and good grades until they did this to me. I?m pointing at my chest right now because you can?t see moving images on some piece of paper. I?m one of their ?experiments? or ?projects?. I think I was called Lazarus. They made me not to die, they made me one of them ?super humans? they always want to be. I had heightened senses and a stronger body. I was their ?perfect human? without weakness, with all the strengths. I was invincible and powerful all packed into one. I could jump from roof top to roof top without tiring. I could run forever. But I got tired of that. They couldn?t stop me or so I thought but I didn?t know it. Hell you could blow me to kingdom come and my body would knit itself back together again. They could rip off my head and a new one would grow right back out. As long as my heart is still in one piece or that I have my torso I?ll never die. Even if there is just one small bit of my heart it will regenerate. It?s painful that way though and I want it to just end. Hell you?re just getting bored now ain?t ya? Want me to get on with my story from what I remember don?t ya? Fine I?ll tell you. Just stick with me through my past experiences from my point of view and you might be able to see the day I escape. They can?t kill me. You. Your organization can?t kill me. Call me ?Too valuable? they do. Fine. I?ll tell you now. Just stick with me okay?
Here it goes.

Chapter 1: The Awakening

I woke up covered in blood. It already had dried but it was still a shock for me. I had lost my memory. I didn?t know who or what I am, where I was, what happened to me, or anything else for that matter.
Then it all came flooding back.
I was Tyler Hike, I was on the run. I got shot and yet I?m still alive. I?m covered in my own blood as well as a security officer?s when I punched straight through his chest. I ripped of his head and threw it away while I was running. I crashed through the wall of a few abandoned houses and plopped myself on a couch, it was where I was. I got up, my limbs stiff from lying in an uncomfortable position as well as the driedMy Life is a Living Hell


I can?t die.

There I said. Now are you happy?


Well. If you?re going to stop reading this you might as well do it now.

You still there?

You are aren?t you?

Well fine. I?ll tell you what happened to me. How I got into this cell where they recorded what I told them.

First of all I ain?t a freak. I ain?t one of them vampires who can?t die. I ain?t an Immortal. I?m? was a pure blood human like you, sixteen years old though technically I'm nineteen now, green eyes and jet black hair, promising life, 6 foot 1 inch tall and good grades until they did this to me. I?m pointing at my chest right now because you can?t see moving images on some piece of paper or recording. I?m one of their ?experiments? or ?projects?. I think I was called Lazarus. They made me not to die, they made me one of them ?super humans? they always want to be. I had heightened senses and a stronger body. I was their ?perfect human? without weakness, with all the strengths. I was invincible and powerful all packed into one. I could jump from roof top to roof top without tiring. I could run forever. But I got tired of that. They couldn?t stop me or so I thought but I didn?t know it. Hell you could blow me to kingdom come and my body would knit itself back together again. They could rip off my head and a new one would grow right back out. As long as my heart is still in one piece or that I have my torso I?ll never die. Even if there is just one small bit of my heart it will regenerate. It?s painful that way though and I want it to just end. Hell you?re just getting bored now ain?t ya? Want me to get on with my story from what I remember don?t ya? Fine I?ll tell you. Just stick with me through my past experiences from my point of view and you might be able to see the day I escape. They can?t kill me. You. Your organization can?t kill me. Call me ?Too valuable? they do. Fine. I?ll tell you now. Just stick with me okay?


Here it goes.

Chapter 1: The Awakening

I woke up covered in blood. It already had dried but it was still a shock for me. I had lost my memory. I didn?t know who or what I am, where I was, what happened to me, or anything else for that matter.

Then it all came flooding back.

I was Tyler Hike, I was on the run. I got shot and yet I?m still alive. I?m covered in my own blood as well as a security officer?s when I punched straight through his chest. I ripped of his head and threw it away while I was running. I crashed through the wall of a few abandoned houses and plopped myself on a couch, it was where I was. I got up, my limbs stiff from lying in an uncomfortable position as well as the dried blood all over me. I stood in a small, cramped living space with the stench of human waste coming from all around me. I looked at the several walls I broke through

I heard the shouts of men and the barks of dog.

The chase was on once again.

I ran out of the small space out the door and into the corridor. I looked about and saw the stairs leading up. I ran up them, three or four steps at a time. I could tell I was getting close to the roof as the stench of urine and faeces started to fade away but the shouts and barks got louder and louder. I ran up the last flight of stairs onto the roof top. The bustle of the city was below me while the barking and shouting got closer and closer. The buildings here were close together so I might as well take the chance. I sprinted to the edge of the roof. The edge got closer but I heard them arrive on the roof and the dogs starting to chase me. I could hear them take out their rifles and aim them at me.

I could hear them as they opened fire and hit their mark.

The bullets ripped into me but I was already in the air.

You know how they say if you endure too much pain you won?t feel it anymore?

Well they?re wrong.

I slammed and rolled on the rooftop I had jumped to.

They didn?t know at that time that I wasn?t dead.

I could hear them speaking into their radios that Lazarus was dead.

My body pushed the bullets out of me; I could hear the squelching and the blood stop pumping out. I could hear the small sounds of metal hitting concrete as they plopped out of me. I could hear my flesh knitting back together.

I got back up as the pain stopped. I heard my grunts of effort slowly subsiding.

And I heard the dogs start barking again. I heard their boots scrape the ground as they turned towards me. I started running again, daring to look back.

Streaks of blood had covered the roof top.

They were aiming again while who I assumed was the commander was speaking into the radio. They were calling for back up.

Calling for reinforcements.

I started running again. This time they didn?t hit me.

You people who are reading this probably won?t know the feeling of flight.
Not flying on an air plane mind you. I mean soaring through the skies with just your clothes on your back and nothing else. Well for me it?s more like gliding.

I flew through the air I hit the rooftop I was aiming for. I heard the bone in my leg crunch and my ankle dislocate when I hit the roof top feet first. I grunted in pain as the bones knitted back together and I pushed my ankle back into place. Then I got back up.

This time I walked to the edge and looked down. There was no way to get down the building and it didn?t have stairs to go down.

That was when I heard the ?chop chop? of helicopter blades. The Attack Chopper came down in front of me.

It spun its chain gun.

I back pedaled before turning and running. I had crossed half the building before it opened fire. The bullets of the chain gun hit the spaces where I was barely milliseconds before, sending shards of concrete everywhere. I ran and jumped off the edge.

I flew through the air and half my body landed on the roof top about five meters away. My ribs cracked and I started to slide off. I scrambled to grab a hold but it was of no use. I grabbed the edge of the roof top but my hand started to hurt immediately. My grip was slipping. I was starting to fall. I heard the Chopper starting to come back around. I breathed then let go.

I plummeted quickly; I was maybe a hundred and fifty meters high? I hit clothes line after clothes line and balcony after balcony, my bones repairing just to get broken again. I fell for what felt like an hour but was probably forty five seconds before slamming into a car below.

I made the entire hood bend down into the ground and may have broken my back in the process, but that healed quickly. I crawled out of the wreckage of the car and looked around.

I was in an alley way and saw no one approaching me so I went through the back alleys since I couldn?t get out on the street because I was still caked in blood. I found a back door to an apartment building so I tried to door.

It was locked.

I breathed deeply then punched the door.

It flew off its hinges.

I stepped inside the apartment building and started up the stairs.

Chapter 2: Hola Se?or, do you need relieving of your home?

I climbed up the stairs until I found a door that was unlocked. I pushed it open and saw the man sitting there. He stared at me before getting up and trying to punch me. I didn?t mean to at the time but I punched him and sent him sprawling to the ground, a hole in his chest. Fresh blood was spilling onto the floor so I stepped over the corpse and into the bathroom. I washed the blood off my face and arms before peeling off my clothes leaving me only in my underpants. I went into his bedroom to look for a change of clothes. I found a shirt he must have worn when he was a bit younger and some shorts. I went to take a shower and after I had dried myself off with his towel I put on the clothes. It was a loose fit but it should stay on. I walked into the kitchen and took some food out of the fridge. I heated it up and ate it. By now the corpse of the man who owned the house was stinking so I packed him up in the blankets of his bed and went and put him in the trash. I went back into the apartment and closed the door before locking it and devised a plan. Being the naive 16 year old kid whose dad is his only surviving parent and plays a lot of video games in his spare time as well as studying. I decided to go to my dad's house.

I searched the house for car keys and found them in the desk inside the bedroom. I took it and went down stairs into the car park. I clicked the unlock button while walking around the car park until I heard the beep of it unlocking. I found it and it was a good sized sedan with a GPS built in it. I got into the driver's seat and started the thing up. I drove out of the car park and plotted my dad's address into it and started driving, following the directions it gave me.

About fifteen hours later, with five minute breaks every five hours of driving I arrived in front of my dad's house. I got out of the car and locked it and went to the back door.

Chapter 3: Uh.... Hey Dad...

I decided not to just smash the door down as I would have to answer for that so I tried to call my dad out but to no avail. I went up against the solid door and tried to remember where my dad would put the spare keys. I looked around and saw a potted plant. I looked underneath it but nothing was there. I decided to dig around the dirt and there it was found. I cleaned it on my shirt and put it into the key hole and turned it. I heard the lock click and I pushed the door open. It creaked but not very loudly and I shut it behind me and locking it too. Then a bullet whizzed by my head.
?WHO EVER YOU ARE GET OUT? said a voice I knew all to well.
?Dad! It?s me!? I shouted as he proceeded to fire off more shots.
?What? Is that you son?? he said as he stopped firing.

I flicked on the lights and looked at him. He had a Glock 34 in his hand and he was as pale as snow and shaking like a leaf. He dropped the gun but it went off and the bullet hit me in the chest. Right over my heart. Blood dripped from the wound in my chest. Before I thought he couldn?t go any paler but now he did. He rushed over to me with a cloth and started to dab at the wound which was still bleeding. I don?t think he heard what I was saying but I was saying.

?Dad, Dad, Dad, don?t worry. I?m not going to die!? I kept on repeating that until my flesh mended and the bullet dropped onto the floor. My Dad stared at it like it was the last piece of food in the country. He then looked up at me.

?You?re? You?re fine? You?re not dead? But How? They told me you were dead?? my Dad said in a whisper.

?Yes. I?m not dead. You?re not alone.? I said but he got up. He told me to wait there and he?ll get some food for me. I went to the kitchen table and sat down. He came back with cold sandwiches that had cold ham and mayonnaise in it. I took some and ate in silence. He ushered me into my old bedroom and sat me down on my bed. He had regained his composure though.

?We?ll talk about this tomorrow okay Son?? He said.

I nodded and he patted my head and left the room and closed the door behind him. I sat there for a while before getting up. He had left the light on so I could still see. I walked to my old desk, my laptop was still there. The chair was still there where I left it when I went to answer the doorbell and they took me. I looked at the laptop there. I flipped the screen up and turned it on.

Little did I know the moment I connected to my dad?s Wireless Connection they started to track me. Their satellites locked on to the signal my computer emitted and then they sent in their Quick Response Teams.

But I didn?t know that. Until I heard the hum of engines due to my enhanced hearing capabilities. I ran into the living room to where my dad was sitting on the couch. He had his gun in hand and a bottle of Cognac Brandy in the other but it was unopened. He looked at me come out of the room.

?What?s wrong son?? he asked me.

?Dad there?s at least two trucks coming here and I think their after me? I said.

He got up, bottle and gun still in hand when he bundled me opened up a closet. It was steel plated inside but still with slits so anyone inside can see out. He opened a large compartment hidden underneath a false floor board and put me inside. I sat down in there. It went under the floor but again was steel plated so it could hold up weight. I tried to squirm out but he secured me there. He said after closing everything up,
?Stay there and don?t come out.? He said and sat back down at the couch.
This time he opened his bottle of Cognac Brandy. I heard the door being kicked down. I heard the argument they had and the one I presume was the leader beat my Dad down and dragged him away. I heard them strap my dad to a chair and started to beat him. One soldier walked over the floor boards and I held my breath. He stayed their then walked off. I think I may have breathed out a bit too loudly and he turned on his heel and came back over. He lifted up his rifle to his shoulders. I had had enough. I burst out of the hiding place and delivered an upper cut to him, sending him flying backwards and his neck breaking under the force and the rifle to drop to the ground. I picked up the rifle as seven other guys came rushing at me. For me time slowed down but I moved at a normal pace while everyone else went in slow motion. I raised my rifle and fired twice at each of them. My bullets went in slow motion too until I stopped thinking about it then time went back to normal and each soldier went down, each bullet penetrating their body armor and face plate. I went to the room that I last heard my father was in. The last thing I saw before blacking for a few seconds was the butt of a rifle coming towards me.
I awoke again with the soldier standing over me. He aimed his rifle at me and emptied his entire magazine into my chest. He turned his back to me after wards. That was his fatal mistake. I jumped up and put him into a choke hold lifting him up. I let him choke for a few seconds and then I broke his neck and let him drop. I turned only to see the Leader lifting up his Magnum Revolver and fire one bullet into my Dad?s chest.
Rage filled me, so intense that I could feel its burn rising through me. I ran at him at an insane speed and he only just turned around when I grabbed his wrist and pulled him and punched him in the face, making him flop to the ground. I presumed he was dead and went to untie my dad. My dad looked up weakly and said.

?Son? behind? you??? he flopped unconscious.

I turned around and narrowly dodged the Leader?s punch.

I grabbed his arm and pulled it, dislocating his shoulder with an audible 'POP'. He grimaced in pain. I then punched him in the face, breaking his nose and sending his blood spilling about. He tried to kick me but I grabbed his leg and flipped him over. I broke both his legs afterwards. I leaned down and picked up the Magnum Revolver. I aimed it at his chest and emptied four of the five rounds. I shot the last one into his face. I dropped the gun and turned back to my Dad.

He was bleeding badly and still unconscious. I picked him up after tearing a strip from his shirt before escaping through the back door of the house. I ran for a while. I ended up in a wooded area on a hill.

Chapter 4: Death

My Dad died before I woke up the next morning.

I buried him on the hill, using my hands to dig a hole. I left an unmarked grave and scrawled a message with pieces of stone into dirt.

I don't remember the epitaph now but I may tell you later. At that moment I had sworn to destroy the people who ruined my life and my potential life. Now I don't believe in fate. I believe that there may be a preset path for us when we are born but we change it or others change it through your life. I left that hill leaving behind my old self and allowing the most recent, more brutal one to grow. I knew that they would be after me and that they will stop at nothing to get me back.

But I swear, one day they will all die.

They will all burn and Rot forever.

And I shall have my revenge.

But how?

They?d probably put out on the news that I was a fugitive with several murders, robberies, arson, assault cases under my belt.

But I?d find a way out.

I?ll find a way to escape from their grasp.

Chapter 5: Initiation

Two Months Later

I ran through the building, the sounds of the soldiers? boots thudding on the floor behind me. I stumbled out into the sun baked streets and screeched to a halt, throwing the sand onto the road.
I heard the men behind me fan out into a line and then encircling me in a circle so that there was a soldier opposite each other.
My heart was pumping, the adrenaline flowing. Time was slowing down for me.
They aimed.
They fired.
The bullets flew in slow motion, so slow that I could probably pluck one out of the air and fling it at one of them, but I just ducked as the bullets sailed past me. Each struck the opposite soldier and most of them were killed by each other?s bullets. Of the ten that came after me only two were left, their bad aim saving each other?s lives. This time they wouldn?t miss. They fired again and the bullets hit me.
I laughed so hard, so hard they probably thought I was insane. Then I sprinted at one of them and he fired again and again and again, all the bullets hitting me, all of them being spat out of my body as it healed me. I grabbed his gun and pulled so hard that I ripped his arm from his body.
He screamed in agony as the blood spurted from where his arm was. I swiftly kicked him in the chest, breaking his ribs and sending him flying into a building behind him. The other soldier behind me, I could feel his fear. It radiated from him like his was shooting bullets at me. I heard the click of a fresh magazine being loaded into his gun. I turned the soldier?s arm still in hand and flung it at the other soldier, hitting him in the head and sending him to the ground. I walked over and picked him up by the neck. He squirmed and squirmed but to no avail. I looked him in the eye and he knew his life was over.
I plunged my hand into his stomach, it coming out from the other side. He coughed out blood, and it flowed over his uniform. Then a swift breaking of his neck ended his suffering. I let him slip of my arm and onto the floor.
Then the world around me started to disintegrate, the pixels dissipating and then the world around me changed. It was just pure white now. Nothing else.
Then voices boomed from every direction.
?Good, you eliminated the threat, though in a rather brutal way while sustaining no injuries.?
I stayed silent.
?You could have been more efficient and more dexterous, though it is because of you lack of equipment, I think a trip to the armory can solve that, a knife could possibly be suited to your needs, anyways shall we run another simulation??
I nodded.
?Alright, let?s test you, say let?s pit you against one of the Agency?s elite enhanced soldiers? teams. Their abilities are nothing like yours, you yourself cost over several billion dollars to manufacture. So don?t worry, shouldn?t be anything to worry about.?
?Okay. I?m ready.?

The world started to rebuild itself.
I was in a dark room. I was tied to a chair and I was being beaten. The blows felt like they were from a fist but they pain was a bad as being shot.
Then nothing. I heard the footsteps walking away. I could hear them speak to each other.
?He?s not talking. Let?s try more drastic measures.?
I could hear the sizzle of a branding iron. As they walked towards me I sat there. Then I saw the white hot end of the iron. Then I leaned back on the chair and sent a kick into the man?s stomach, sending him doubling over. I pulled my hands apart, ripping the rope binding them together then picked up the chair and swung it into the man?s head, causing him to drop the iron. I picked it up and planted the hot end onto the man?s head causing him to scream then shoved it through, killing him instantly.
I pulled it out and ducked as another tried to kick me and I spun around and swiped his feet with the iron, causing him to fall over then I gripped him by the throat as he started to flail around. I slammed him into the ground and hit him multiple times across the face with the iron. I left him bloodied on the ground, his skull fractured and his jaw broken, his back broken too.
The last two circled me. One lunged as another circled around back. I jumped up causing them to barrel into each other and landed on the floor as they untangled themselves. One launched a punch at me as I pulled his arm and punched him in the face, breaking his nose and elbowing him in the neck onto the ground. I landed a stomp onto his head, smashing it open like a watermelon.
The last one ran at me and tackled me to the ground. We wrestled each other and we both landed blows onto each other. He landed a punch onto me, leaving me stunned. He started to strangle me. I punched him hard in the guts, so hard that I punched a hole straight through him. I threw him off after I landed a chop to the back of his neck, snapping it easily.
Then I felt hands grapple me from behind.
I elbowed the soldier in the stomach several times then broke from his grip. I punched him in the face which floored him then kicked him in the side, breaking his ribs. I landed a final punch on him, ripping through his chest and onto the ground behind him. He died after I ripped out his heart.
Then the world fell apart again, only this time I was in the well lit room of the Virtual Reality training room the Group had.
I was picked up by them after a month of running and now for the past three weeks I?ve gone through simulation after simulation in their efforts to train me. The Group was where all the escaped projects of the Agency had gathered to destroy the Agency. The oldest looked thirty but was actually sixty-eight.
?Same as last time, brutal, but necessary in the circumstances you were in.?
The trainer looked over me while I lay in the VR Pod. I opened the hatch and crawled out.
?I think you?re ready for a real assignment. Go to Forge to get your standard kit sorted out then to Michael to get your briefing. See you next time Tyler.?
?Yes Achilles.?
So I walked out of the VR room and followed the corridors into the Armory.
Forge was working on forging a new blade for one of the members of the Group.
He turned to me as he plunged the red hot piece of metal into a bucket of water then called over one of his apprentices to take over. He wiped his blackened hands on his apron.
?What do you want Tyler??
?Well, I came to get a knife or a dagger on recommendation of Achilles.?
?Well I?ve got a selection of knives and daggers for you. Here how about this??
He handed me a fairly large knife, the blade about nineteen inches in length and was perfectly weighted for throwing. I flipped it about for a bit.
?That there is an Arkansas Toothpick. You could throw it with your strength maybe a few hundred meters.?
?I think I?d prefer something else.?
He took back the knife and went into his stores. He came out with another, larger knife and a curved sword. The sword curved inwards.
?I?ve got two other things for you. The knife is a Bowie Knife, James Black?s design and this here is a Kukri. The Kukri?s useful for chopping, slashing and stabbing, all sorts of things, like a machete. The Bowie Knife is good for stabbing, slashing and throwing. I can let you test them out on the dummies if you wish.?
?I will.?
He brought me to the back of the shop where all the training dummies were. The dummies were strengthened specially to provide a challenge for the members of The Group. The weapons were strengthened too, as to not break when The Group were using them. I chose the Bowie Knife, slashing and stabbing the dummies.
?Feels too light.?
?I knew you would say that. Here use the Kukri, I guarantee that you?d like it.?
So I took the Kukri after giving him back the knife. I slashed, stabbed, chopped and even threw the Kukri. I liked the weight and the way it handled in my hands.
?So I take it you like it.?
?Yes. Thank you Forge.?
I took the sheath from Forge as well as the blade itself and went to the Briefing Room.
As I was about to open the closed door Jackal came out and walked past me, pushing me out of the way.
I wonder what that was about.
Anyways I walked onwards into the room. Michael was sitting calmly in his large chair. I could see the age in his eyes though he looked young.
Michael was the oldest of us. He had no powers that we knew off aside from aging very slowly.
?Ah? Sit down Tyler.?
?Michael why was Jackal walking out all so pissed??
?You don?t need to know what happened between him and Hypno?
?His? Lady Friend??
?Well we are here to discuss your upcoming assignment.?
?That is what I am here for.?
?Well this is what?s happening. There is a convoy of the supplies to make their Enhanced Soldiers going to one of their labs. I?d like you to go destroy it.?
?Okay. The catch??
?The Catch is that it is very well defended.?
?I can see that there is something else.?
?The rest is that is being flown in vast amounts in one of their Flying Carriers.?
?Don?t worry we can airdrop you onto the Carrier. It?s only bringing it down that?s the hard part?
?Can I just destroy the whole thing??
?Yes, just make sure that it lands in the jungle.?
?Wait what??
?Did I forget to mention? It?s flying over the Amazon.?
Chapter 6: Sky Diving, Hardcore style.
The heli-plane was hovering over the slow moving Flying Carrier.
?Just breathe in and out before you jump Tyler?
?Easy for you to say Diver. You do this all the time?
?Not all the time, just get to the door?
I stepped out to the door.
?Okay wait a moment. Lemme get my nerves together.?
?Oh you big baby. Get a move on.?
I didn?t hear him get out of his seat and getting behind me.
He kicked me out of the heli-plane.
?God damn it Diver!?
I plummeted towards the Flying Carrier. I went into a spread out shape to slow my descent a bit before taking out my Kukri. I saw several squads of patrolling guards walking around. I aimed for one. I brought my Kukri to face into him to make the blade hit him in the head. I straightened up to a more aerodynamic shape. He looked up seconds before I slammed the Kukri through his helmet and decapitating him as I slammed into the ground, breaking all my bones and I could feel them knitting back together inside me, my spine and back taking longer to reform. I could see all the rest of the guards starting to surround me. They aimed their guns at me; I heard the click of safeties disengaging. I stood up slowly, smiling, pushing off the head still stuck to my Kukri. It dropped onto the deck with a thunk.
?Drop the blade Lazarus.?
I recognized the voice instantly.
I turned to my creator, my builder, the scientist who created me, the man who made my life a nightmare, who made me not to die;
Hackler. Dr Darren Hackler.
?Lazarus, drop the blade or else I?d be forced to order my men to open fire. That?d be a shame to waste ammunition considering we custom make it to take down abominations like you.?
My face was a picture of pure rage and fury. I was willing to drop everything and go for it at the man who made my life a hell. So that?s what I did.
I dropped my Kukri onto the ground and half of the soldiers came to restrain me. That was twelve of them. The other twelve stayed there with guns pointed at me.
One of the soldiers picked up the Kukri. The other eleven were near me so I enacted my plan.
I forced the soldier with my blade to stab himself in the chest by pushing his hand with the Kukri in it into his chest. I took the gun from his hand and shot three of the soldiers before throwing it hard at another one, cracking his helmet open. I took my Kukri back from the man?s chest and dodged a bullet as one of them fired at me. I charged at another one and cleaved him in half, spine and all before kicking one of his companions in the stomach, sending him flying off the Carrier. I sliced another one?s head off before promptly getting shot in the stomach. My body spat the fragmented round out of me as I grabbed one of the guns of the ground and then shooting four more before promptly finishing the one with the cracked helmet.
I only realized now that one of the other soldiers had a rocket launcher and blew me off the Carrier. I only just managed to grab onto the edge of the Carrier before one of the soldiers came up to the edge to shoot me in the face with his gun. I dug the Kukri into Carrier?s hull.
He shot me and I nearly let go of the Kukri as I pretended to fall and swing onto the underneath of the Carrier.
?Now what?? I thought.
I decided to see if I could drag myself onto the underside of the carrier and cut it open to find a way in.
I managed to get to the center and cut it open but I heard alarms going off inside the Carrier signaling a hull breach so I quickly cut my way through the metal and found myself, conveniently, in the Cargo Hold with crates and crates to sift through to find the shipment. Then it hit me.
This WAS the shipment.
I smiled.
?Don?t be so happy Lazarus.?
I turned to see him standing between two crates; I smiled even wider at the ease of killing my prey. I ran at him and as I buried my Kukri into his chest, he smiled too.
I was surprised at how he was still alive.
He pulled out the Kukri and promptly broke it in half with his bare hands.
?Surprised Lazarus? Well you shouldn?t be. You do know that the billions of dollars I spent on you was just trying to clone my genes and implanting them into someone right? Oh wait you don?t. Well; feel the taste of real, undiluted power.?
He delivered a swift uppercut, sending me flying backwards through several crates before landing and sliding across the floor of the Cargo Hold. He walked nonchalantly towards me.
He smiled a wolfish smile as he kicked me in the ribs, sending me through several more crates and making me slam into the wall.
The kick broke all my ribs while the impact broke my back. I got back up after it healed.
?Come on, put up a fight Lazarus, or are you just a small child with no parents hmm??
My anger broke through my shock as I landed a hard left hook, hitting Hackler in the face. He looked back at me as he rubbed it with his hand.
?Hah. I think that only just fractured my jaw.?
I screamed in fury as I landed more blows into his stomach and chest.
I stood there panting heavily looking at how the man was still standing.
?Is that all you got Lazarus? Surely there must be more of my power lying inert within you. No? No more? Fine. My turn once again.?
He landed one hard blow that pierced my stomach. I coughed out blood.
?Oh my, I seem to be stuck. Let me deal with that.?
I knew he could easily annihilate me but he was just having a bit of fun, I knew he was going to let me complete my mission anyways.
He proceeded to push-kick me off of his arm.
?Well I?ll let you go finish with your petty little assignment now.?
He walked away.
?Get back here Hackler, Come on don?t be so scared now?
He turned around.
?You act so tough for such a small puppy. Maybe grow up some more and become more powerful before advancing up the chain to be a big dog like me.?
He turned back and walked off.
I slowly got back to my feet and went up to the control lever for the Cargo Bay doors. Still feeling a bit queasy from my experience with Hackler I pulled the lever down opening the doors. I pushed all the crates out watching them shatter as they hit the clearing in the jungle.
I jumped out after pushing the lever back up into the original position and activated my tracking beacon for them to find me and pick me up. I blacked out from exhaustion even before I hit the ground.
Chapter 7: More Training
I woke up to the bright light of the medical wing, feeling sore from my beating from Hackler.

"Ello ello Guvna!" - Some Guy
Harro! - My usual way of saying hello to friends.
READ MAH BIO - Me when infuriated by people who don't read my bio and then wrongly assumes my character's traits.


spacex tupac hologram tupac back tax deadline death race buffet rule

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